In line with our mission to provide the best sports booking experience in the UK, we are really happy that your customers will now have more flexibility when it comes to making single and block bookings.
Using our Custom-Length Booking feature, you can now allow your customers to make or request a booking for a variety of durations rather than the set slot length taken from the specific facility settings. Note that this will be defaulted to "No" unless you wish to enable it.
You can find the settings for this feature under “Block Booking Settings” where you can click the "Yes" button and you will then be presented with Minimum and Maximum custom slot length fields. There is also a Booking duration steps field which allows you to create the various durations that you wish people to book. An example of this would be:
- Minimum slot length: 30 minutes
- Maximum slot length: 3 hours
- Booking duration steps: 30 minutes
This means that when your customers request a custom-length booking, their options will be 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 or 180 minutes.
These bookings are considered an extension of our block booking settings so if you wish to approve these bookings as they come in, please ensure you have approvals enabled for block bookings in the “Approvals” under “Venue Settings”.
Note: The custom-length bookings work in line with the active price scheme for that facility and will be available on any facilities you have online block bookings enabled for.