On the main menu on the left-hand side, you will find a red button saying New Booking. By clicking on this, you will be able to start inputting the details of the booking.
At the very top of this section, you can decide whether you want to create a Single Booking, Multi Booking, Custom Event or Blocked Facility. After this, you can select the Space & facility, Booking date, Start time, Duration.
The final item to add is the price but it is likely this will be generated by the software already by taking information from the Price Schemes section under Venue Settings. You can also change the price to a bespoke price if you prefer.
Once these details are confirmed by clicking the Add Booking to basket button, the booking will appear in the Basket where you can confirm the booking.
Here is where you can allocate the booking to either a new customer or a customer that has already been saved into the system previously.
You can then include internal notes and/or customer notes before finalising the booking into the calendar. There is also the option of sending a confirmation email to the customer if you desire but is not compulsory.