How do I create Add-ons?

Find out how to set Add-ons, how and where customers select them, and how to see if a booking has an Add-on.

What are Add-ons?

Add-ons are optional extras that your customers can add to their bookings before the checkout such as equipment hire, changing room access, coaches, or even catering.

You can create Add-ons through Bookteq and chose which facilities they apply to.

How do I create an Add-on?

Creating an Add-on is very similar to creating an Additional Question. When you log into your Bookteq account, locate your Venue Settings on the left hand menu, and select Add-ons from the drop-down.

You will be taken to your Add-on settings. From there you can create your first Add-on. Click the Create an add-on button to get started.

Naming your Add-on

You will then be asked to name your first Add-on. Please note, this name will be shown to a customer if they make a booking through your booking calendar widget so make it as descriptive as you see fit.

Setting a price

After naming your Add-on, you will be asked to set a price (per item) and a VAT rate. If you'd like to offer it free of charge, set the price as £0.00.

Setting a minimum and maximum quantity

Next you will need to set a minimum and maximum quantity for your Add-on. Please note that unless an Add-on is mandatory, you should set the minimum quantity as 0.

The maximum quantity will depend on the resources you have available. If you have one changing room, set the maximum as 1. Alternatively, if you have 12 tennis rackets available for hire for example, but only want to make 4 rackets available to hire per tennis court, then set your maximum as 4.

Applying an Add-on to a facility

Below Quantity, you will shown a list of all your available facilities. Please select the facilities you would like your Add-ons to apply to.

You may want to allocate some Add-ons to all facilities, but there may also be cases where you want them to only apply to specific facilities. For example, you would only want to offer racket hire to racket sport bookings, as this would be irrelevant for football or space hire bookings.

Remember to select all applicable facilities. For example, if you want to make changing room hire available for all pitch bookings and your pitch is split into two half pitches, make sure you have selected both.

Now you're set! Just click the Save Changes button and your Add-on will be created. If you have a booking calendar widget set up for your facilities, this will be updated instantly.

Viewing and editing Add-ons

After creating an Add-on, if you navigate back to the Add-ons section in your Venue Settings you will see a list of them. You can view and edit them from this screen.

How and where do customers use Add-ons?

There are two ways customers can select their add-ons.

Selecting Add-ons through a booking calendar widget

A customer can select their Add-ons just before the checkout on your website's booking widget. After they have picked a date and time to book at their chosen facility, they will be given the option to add extras, assuming you have made Add-ons available for that facility.

Depending on whether your Add-ons are free or paid, the customer's subtotal will be updated accordingly. They will then proceed to the checkout to pay for the booking and the Add-ons they've selected.

Applying Add-ons through Bookteq

The alternative way to apply Add-ons to a booking is by creating the booking yourself through the Bookteq system. This is especially helpful if you don't yet have a Bookteq calendar widget set up on your website.

When you select the facility and set the date and time you'd like to create a booking for through Bookteq, you will be shown the Add-ons available for that facility. Simply enter the quantity required and add the booking to your basket. If a customer doesn't require any Add-ons, make sure the quantity is set to 0.

How to see if a booking has an Add-on

You can see if a bookings includes an Add-on in two places on Bookteq: the Calendar section and the Bookings section. In both areas, you will see a + symbol next to a booking to indicate an Add-on.

Calendar view:

Bookings list view:

To see further details, click into the booking where you can see the type of Add-on and the quantity required.

Still have a question? For more information on using Add-ons, please use our contact form to speak to a member of our team.

If you've set up your Add-ons but what to ask your customers questions during the booking process, visit our Additional Questions page.