How to search for a booking?

There are two ways you can search for a booking within your Bookteq account, the search bar and advanced search.

Once you are on the Bookteq home screen, you will notice on your left hand side under Main, there is a Bookings tab.

Click on Bookings and it will show you a page with a search bar and the ‘advanced search’ option, please see the image below as an example.

The Search Bar

You can use the search bar to freely search for a booking using any related key term.

To find an exact booking, search for the “reference number”.

Alternatively, you can search by the customer or organisation name that was used to make the booking to bring up a history of all related bookings.

Advanced Search

Advanced search allows you to filter your bookings any way you like.

Click on ‘Advanced Search’ beside the search bar to bring up the menu. From here you can choose from the following booking criteria:

  • Reference

  • Booking Type

  • Booking Status

  • Space

  • Facility

  • Booking Date

  • Booking Time

  • Customer Name

  • Price

  • Payment Status

You can also choose whether you want your search results to show, exclude or contain your selected criteria by choosing from the dropdown provided. This may be particularly useful, for example, if you’re looking to find all bookings between a certain date range, or exclude a certain facility or space from your search.