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  2. Marketing your facilities

How to use email marketing to promote your facilities

One of the most effective ways you can promote your facilities is through email. In this article, we'll talk you through how you can use email to promote your facilities.

Where to start

Introduction communications

To let your customers know about the introduction of Bookteq to your facilities, you can use our communications template, which will give you a simple email, social and SMS template so that you can let your regular customers know that they can book online.

You can simply copy and paste the text and links into a new email and send it out to your database.

📖 Introducing Bookteq to your customers

Leveraging regular emails to market your facilities

We recommend emailing your database regularly. The success rate of selling to
existing customers is 60-70%, compared to 5-20% for new customers. You
don’t need a fancy template to get your message across, but if you’d like to level
up your email content we recommend Mailchimp’s free plan.

  1. Build an Email List: Collect email addresses from current customers, website visitors, and people who have shown interest in your facility. If you can offer incentives like a free trial or a discount for signing up then you might see greater interest.

  2. Choose an Email Marketing Platform: Select an email marketing service such as Mailchimp to create and send emails to your list. These platforms offer easy-to-use templates and tools for beginners.

  3. Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Grab the recipient's attention with a clear and enticing subject line that highlights the benefit of opening the email. Keep it short and relevant to increase open rates. You can use chatgpt to help you generate subject lines for your email if you're stuck!

  4. Create Engaging Content: Write informative and engaging content that promotes your sports facilities. Include details about upcoming events, special offers, facility upgrades, success stories, or fitness tips.

  5. Use Visuals: Incorporate images and videos to make your emails visually appealing and showcase your facilities in action. People are more likely to engage with content that includes eye-catching visuals.

  6. Personalize the Message: Address recipients by their first name to make the email feel more personal. Tailor the content based on their interests or past interactions with your facility whenever possible.

  7. Include Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Encourage recipients to take action by including clickable buttons or links directing them to your website, booking page, or social media profiles. Make the CTAs prominent and easy to follow.

  8. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that your emails are mobile-responsive, meaning they display correctly on smartphones and tablets. Many people check their emails on mobile devices, so this is crucial for reaching your audience effectively.

  9. Monitor and Analyze Results: Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to gauge the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Use this data to refine your strategies and improve future campaigns.

  10. Follow Up and Nurture Relationships: Regularly send updates, promotions, and valuable content to your email subscribers to keep them engaged and encourage repeat visits to your sports facilities.

Ideas to get you started

  • Great availability: Has a popular slot just opened up? Tell your database!
  • Deals & promotions: Let customers know about new discounts
  • Seasonal trends: Is the new season starting?
  • Remind your regular bookers to renew
  • Major events: Tournaments like World Cups lead to more people playing, make the most of it!
  • Block bookings: Notice someone is booking often? Encourage them to upgrade to a block booking

Make sure that you add your email plan to your marketing plan, this will help you stick to your plan and build up that regular communication for your customers!

Find out more about building your marketing calendar in our article below

📖 How to create your marketing calendar