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How to use offline marketing channels to promote your facilities

We've put together a simple and concise guide to marketing your sports facilities using offline methods

While there’s a lot you can do online, it’s important not to forget the impact online marketing materials can have on facility bookings at a local level.

  1. Local Partnerships: Partner with local schools, colleges, community centres, or businesses to promote your sports facilities. Offer special discounts or joint events to attract their members or customers.

  2. Banners, flyers and posters: Design eye-catching flyers and posters to display in high-traffic areas such as gyms, coffee shops, community bulletin boards, and sports stores. Include attractive visuals and clear information about your facilities and any ongoing promotions. You can also purchase a Playfinder banners and posters here. Put your A4 posters in changing rooms and receptions, and banners in places with a heavy footfall or facing a busy road.

    💡 Facilities with banners up can see as much as 5x as many page views on Playfinder.

  3. Community Events: Sponsor or participate in local community events, fairs, or festivals. Set up a stall to showcase your facilities and engage with attendees to generate interest.

  4. Direct Mail Campaigns: Send targeted direct mail campaigns to residents in your area, especially those who may have shown interest in sports or fitness activities. Include compelling offers or incentives to encourage them to visit your facilities. You don't need to pay a large company to post them for you. You can do a small print run, with services like Soloprint or Vistaprint and distribute them yourselves or give to your existing hirers and clubs to give out on your behalf.

  5. Local Advertising: Place advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, or community newsletters. Highlight your unique selling points and any special promotions or events to attract attention.

  6. Vehicle Branding: Use vehicle branding by adding your facility's logo, name, and contact information to your company vehicles. This can serve as a mobile advertisement as you travel around the community. If you don't have the budget to fully wrap a car, then you can buy magnetic signs.

  7. Community Sponsorships: Sponsor local sports teams, leagues, or events to increase your visibility and demonstrate your support for the community. Your facility's name and logo can be featured on uniforms, banners, or event materials.

  8. Referral Programs: Implement referral programs where existing customers can earn rewards or discounts for referring friends, family, or colleagues to your sports facilities. Word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful offline marketing tool.

By leveraging these offline marketing methods, you can effectively promote your sports facilities within your local community and attract new customers.