You can now download the answers to any additional questions you have asked during the booking process, whether that is for a booking or as part of our sessions feature.
If you use the additional questions feature for your customers to answer as they make a booking or join a session, you can now easily pull a report with their responses.
Accessing these answers can be done by downloading a bookings report from the Bookings Tab from the left hand navigation bar.
To export the responses via the Bookings table:
- Navigate to the Bookings tab in your Bookteq workspace.
- Look for the Export to CSV option (as shown in the image below).
- Select the 'Prepare Export' option to download a report containing the customer responses to your additional questions.
To export the responses for our Sessions feature:
- Navigate to the Sessions feature in your Bookteq workspace.
- Look for the Export to CSV option (as shown in the image below).
- Select the 'Participant List' option to download a report containing the customer responses to your additional questions.
The exported CSV report will include all the additional questions you've added, along with the corresponding answers from your customers.
Still have a question? For more information on this, please use our contact form to speak to a member of our team.