In this article you will find out how to create the different price schemes
The price schemes can be set up either after the spaces and facilities are all set up or before.
Once you log into your venue, click into the drop down menu entitled Venue Settings on the left-hand sidebar, under Setup, and click on Prices Schemes. You can now start creating your price scheme.
Price scheme name - There is no rule of what the name should be but we advise to be easily identifiable so it is easy for you when you have to link it to each facilities. Please note that you can link the same Price Scheme to more than one facility
Prices - In this section, you will need to complete all the fields. If you have different prices for various weekdays, weekends or times, simply click on Add a new price section and you will be able to customise the price scheme accordingly.
As you can see in the below screenshot, you can customise the price scheme as per your preference. Every price section will be colour coded and thus it makes it more easy for you to identify the different price section as well as any mistakes in the timings, days and prices.
Once you are happy with your price scheme, click on Create.
In the below screenshot, you can see a list of the various price schemes that you might have created as well as importantly know if that particular price scheme is linked to any facility yet or not. You can view the list of the prices scheme created at any time. You can simply do this by clicking on Price Schemes on the left sidebar and a list will appear.
Please note that any custom price schemes, example summer price schemes, winter price scheme, half term price scheme etc should be created in this section and then linked accordingly in the facility section.