1. Customer Support Hub
  2. Cancellations & amendments

What are my options if there is a cancellation due to weather or circumstances out of our control?

Learn about your options for cancellations due to weather or circumstances out of your control when booking sports facilities through Bookteq


If bad weather or unforeseen circumstances arise and your booking for a sports facility through Bookteq needs to be canceled, you may have options for a refund or credit toward a future booking. However, please note that the final decision lies with the venue and not with you.


Q: If my booking is canceled due to bad weather or unforeseen circumstances, what should I do?

A: In such cases, please contact us at Bookteq to inquire about whether the payment for the cancelled booking can be applied to a future booking or if a refund is possible.

Q: Who will make the decision regarding refund or credit for a canceled booking?

A: The venue staff will make the decision. They will assess the situation and determine if the conditions warrant a refund or credit.

Q: What happens if I choose not to use the facility despite the conditions not being sufficient for a cancellation according to the venue?

A: If you decide not to use the booked facility, but the venue deems the conditions suitable for continuing with the booking, a refund will not be provided.


We hope this article helped to answer your query! If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Bookteq team by submitting a help request.