You can pull specific booking reports for your venue or a multi-venue report from your workspace.
As a venue manager or team member operating within organisations you can now generate and download reports of booking data. For instance, you can use the advanced search to pull very specific reports on a certain customer, or between certain dates, or even for a single facility.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Click "Bookings"
- Under "Bookings and Reservations"
- Filter the first advanced search category.
- Click "Add criteria"
- Add additional search parameters as needed.
- Click 'Export to CSV' to obtain a spreadsheet with the results of your search in your email inbox.
The advanced search options include:
- Booking reference
- Booking type
- Booking Status
- Space
- Facility
- Booking Date
- Booking Time
- Customer Name
- Price
- Payment Status
- Attendee
- Organisation
- Customer Type
If you would like to pull a multi-venue report please see our other help article here.