How do I use the bookings table to view and filter my bookings?

This guide explains how to use the Bookings Table to view and filter your bookings

When managing your bookings through the Bookteq Customer Portal, you have access to a convenient bookings table that allows you to view and filter your bookings at a chosen venue. Follow these steps to effectively navigate and utilise the bookings table:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login: Start by logging into the Bookteq Customer Portal using your credentials. You can access the portal at

  2. Navigate to Bookings: Once logged in, locate the left-hand menu and click on the 'Bookings' option. This will take you to the bookings section, where you can manage your reservations.screely-1685549162104

  3. View Your Bookings: In the bookings table, you will find a comprehensive list of all your bookings at the chosen venue. Please note that if you have bookings at multiple venues, you'll need to switch venues to see the respective bookings.screely-1685549487810

  4. Understand the Booking Details: The bookings table provides important information about each booking, including the following details:

    • Reference: A unique reference number associated with the booking, useful when communicating with the venue.
    • Status: The current status of the booking (e.g. cancelled, reserved, booked).
    • Space and Facility: The location and facility you have booked.
    • Booking Date and Time: The scheduled date, time, and duration of the booking.
    • Attendee: If someone else will be using the booking on your behalf, their details will be listed here.
    • Price: The amount you have paid or need to pay for the booking, including any applicable VAT.
    • Payment Status: Indicates whether you have paid for the booking or if payment is pending.
    • Info: Additional notes or comments provided by the venue manager.
    • Actions: Specifies the next step you need to take, such as confirming a booking or paying a balance.
  5. Sort and Filter Bookings: If you have a large number of bookings, you can efficiently manage them by sorting and filtering the table. To sort, use the arrows in the header to arrange the bookings by a specific column. You can also utilise the filters at the top of the page to quickly find bookings based on specific dates, booking status, or payment status. By default, cancelled or rejected bookings are hidden to ensure a clutter-free view.


  6. Export to CSV: For a more in-depth analysis or record-keeping purposes, you can utilise the export to CSV function. This feature allows you to download the bookings table data in a CSV format for further examination or integration with other applications.


By following these steps, you can effectively use the bookings table to view, sort, filter, and manage your bookings in a convenient and organised manner.


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