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  2. Cancellations & amendments

How to edit a booking on the Bookteq customer portal

Learn how to edit your bookings on the Bookteq Customer Portal


Our Customer Portal allows you to request different time slots than those you originally booked. For example, if 7pm suits better next week, then you can edit your existing booking to your new desired available time.

Depending on the location of your booking, the amendment and cancellation terms may vary. To learn about the amendment policy for your bookings through Bookteq, please refer to the Terms and Conditions provided with your booking confirmation email. These terms will outline the specific policy for amendments, including any notice periods and associated charges.

If a venue requires bookings to be approved, then any edit requests will also need to be approved; you will receive an email letting you know that your request has been submitted, and another email when it is approved. For information on what happens if your edit request is rejected, please refer to section 4 below. If a venue does not require booking approvals, amendments to bookings will take effect immediately.

Please note that it isn't possible to move to a slot which overlaps your current booking.


Steps for Different Scenarios When Making Amendments via the Bookteq Customer Portal

1. Moving to a more expensive booking

  • If your booking is paid: When you choose to move to a more expensive booking, you will need to pay the difference immediately through our online checkout.
  • If your booking is unpaid: You can also switch to a more expensive booking by paying the new booking amount.

2. Moving to a cheaper booking

  • If your booking is paid: You will automatically receive a refund for the difference between your original booking and the new, cheaper booking.
  • If your booking is unpaid: The payment amount will be adjusted immediately to reflect the new, lower price and you will be required to make payment for the new price.

3. Moving to a booking of the same price

  • If your booking is paid: no payment action is required.
  • If your booking is unpaid: When switching to a booking of the same price, you will be prompted to make the payment immediately.

4. What happens if my amendment request is rejected?

  • Unpaid booking: If the amendment is rejected, the payment is cancelled automatically.
  • Paid booking with a move to a more expensive option: If the amendment is rejected, only the additional payment is cancelled. Your initial payment remains in place.
  • Paid booking with a move to a cheaper option: If the amendment is rejected, no refund will be issued, and your payment status remains unchanged.

5. Bookings on a payment plan

  • Switching to a more expensive booking: The future payments will be adjusted to cover the additional cost.
  • Switching to a cheaper booking: The difference will be applied to your next scheduled payment.
  • Switching to a free booking (single booking on payment plan): Your upcoming payment will be cancelled.
  • Switching to a free booking (multiple bookings on payment plan): The difference will be applied to the next booking in sequence.

6. Discount changes and customer type updates

  • Discount or customer type changes after booking: When you view or amend your booking, the prices will reflect the current discount rates or customer type benefits, rather than those at the time of the original booking.

7. Venue calendar closures

  • Amending booking date: If the venue has closed its calendar for the dates you wish to move your booking to, you will not be able to amend your booking. The current booking window restrictions will apply.

Important notes

  • Immediate payment: In most scenarios, when you amend your booking to a different price, you will be required to pay the adjusted amount immediately unless your booking is on a payment plan.
  • Refunds: If moving to a less expensive booking, refunds are processed automatically, but if an amendment is rejected, no refund will be issued.
  • Payment plan adjustments: Payment plans will automatically adjust to accommodate the new booking cost, either by increasing or reducing future payments.


We hope this article helped to answer your query! If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Bookteq team by submitting a help request.